What makes a website slow?

In principle, a single HTML file is sufficient for a website. However, without graphics, fonts, icons, animations, tracking, and other features, no one can get by these days who are vying for the favor of customers. By comparison, the first website came without all these bells and whistles and is still online today.

In addition, hardly anyone today can do without a content management system (CMS). Websites are consequently generated dynamically, which leads to many more latent bottlenecks.

I. Number of resources

The essential factor for the loading time is the number of resources. The more there are, the slower the website.

II. Size of resources

Another essential factor for the loading time is the size of the resources. A single graphic can slow everything down.

III. Time of loading

If supplementary resources are loaded immediately after a page is accessed, the load time slows down especially.

IV. Number of hosts

The more different hosts are tapped to download resources, the more the website is slowed down. This is because each connection must first be established.

V. Bandwidth of the hosts

It is also very important to know how much throughput is available from the servers involved to the client. Any bottleneck can affect the performance of a site enormously.

VI Content Management System

The CMS has a significant influence on the loading time of pages. However, the concrete configuration is the most important factor.

VII. Server performance

The performance of the CPU, the size of the RAM, the hard disks, database, etc. decide how fast a CMS can do its job.

VIII. Client performance

Last but not least, the performance of the client also plays a role. Especially the execution of Javascript can swallow an enormous amount of CPU resources.