Can I force single sign-on (SSO) for all users on the account?

Yes, you can use single sign-on for your own account access as well as force SSO for other sub-users of the account. If you want to force SSO-based login for all users of your account, you need to do the following after creating your identity provider in the HeyForm tool:

First, you must create a contact person in the tool and connect to your provider before you can force a single sign-on for all users on your account.

a) Contact person for single sign-on issues

The registered person will be displayed to all users of the ID provider as internal contact and contact person for problems related to single sign-on.

b) Connect to your provider

After clicking on “connect” you will be redirected to your provider. There you will be sent back to us after logging in.

c) Now you can activate the option “Force Single Sign-On for Account”.

ATTENTION: All users (employees) of your account will be logged out and have to log in again (via SSO). You don’t have to do anything when entering the mail address, the employees will be redirected to the SSO login.

By the way: In the Premium, you can also force the SSO login globally for all HeyForm users with one mail domain if required.